Saturday, January 3, 2009

Tagged by Ennnnnnnnnnnn

Type your first name with your :

1: Fingers
Zhi Ying

2: Chin
zhijk yhgijnbgh

3: One finger, eyes closed
zhi ying

4: Elbow
shio 7yiojng

5: Nose
zasy9i y7i9ng

6. Palm
dasghuio yuiongf

1: List 4 random things that you have
phone, clothes, bed, shoes

2: Have you slept in the back of the car?

3: Have you recently dyed you hair/cut it?
Nopeee, but I need a haircut!

4: List 4 people you look up the most
Uhh, no idea (:

5: How many pets do you own as of now
2 tortoise.

6: Which do you prefer? Black or White?

7: Who is your most played character

8: Choose one or other: Being stuck in the island with a friend, or with 5 acquaintances
one Friend
Being stuck in the island with a friend.

9: Name 3 aspects that tell who you are

10: If you could have the power, what would it be?
A power that can grant all my wishes :D

11: Who was the last person you talked to

12: Who was the last person you said I love you to
Haha, I don't remember.

13: Write down the first 5 words that pop into your head
I am hungry right now.

14: What's the one thing you wish you could do better?
Getting better results.

15: Do you like the way you are?

16: Choose, Summer or Winter

17: Rain or Snow?

18: Water or Ice?

19: List 2 odd things about yourself

20: Which are your 2 bad habits?

21: Now list 6 people who should do this quiz.

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