Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Yeap hello peeps! Decided to come back to blogging due to the fact that I will be leaving to Kampar in a month's time. Just hoping to keep my family and friends updated about my life haha :)

So, this is actually my old blog link. Well yes, I used to blog when I was in Form1/2/3. That was about 5 years back. Blogging used to be the trend last time so I also kepo kepo follow the trend and created a blog. Reading back those old posts really made me giggled but ah....so much of memories. All the kiddy moments. Hehe.

I'm glad to have my blogging mojo back. I've actually moved all my old posts to the drafts folder because I decided to have a new start for my blog.

Let me start off with a lil' updates about my recent life. I'm actually on a 5 months break right now (which will be ending soon). I've completed my Foundation in Science in UTAR last year end and I really struggled a lot these 5 months thinking and deciding which course to go to.

Yes, many of you, especially my close friends, know that all the while my ambition is to become a doctor. I have always wanted to become a successful doctor. I have to admit, till now, I still wish to become a doctor.

I really don't know whether is it right to give up on this. I've been reading so many articles and quotes lately about believing in yourself and not giving up on your dreams. It always doubt me whether did I made the correct decision to change course. If I had the money, I would DEFINITELY go for my dream!!

I'm actually having a lil' financial problem in my family. My close friends would know what are the problems. It would definitely be a heavy burden for my dad if I chose to go for medicine.

You people might be questioning, why not you apply for scholarship or PTPTN loan? Well, that's because I'm not even eligible to apply for scholarships due to my poor CGPA. I only scored 2.75, which was still so far from the minimum requirement. I know many of you will go like, eh I thought you are damn good in high school or whatsover. To say the truth, I didn't actually score well for my science subjects in high school. I was just an average student.

I have never blamed anyone for this. It was me, myself who didn't work hard enough for my only chance to fulfill my dream. I did not have enough determination. I know I'm only an average student and I should have put in more effort during my foundation year.  I should have been more mature and thoughtful about my family's financial problem.  If I had met the min requirement, there might still be a chance for me to do Medicine.

I am truly sorry to disappoint my beloved parents and friends who looked up on me. Those form 6 seniors who helped me so much and waiting for me to join them in med. It breaks my heart to see how disappointed my mum was. She had so much expectations on me but I just failed her :'(

If you were in my shoes, what will you do??  

No matter how lost and confused I am, I still gotta make a decision. Therefore, in the end, I decided to go for banking and finance. What I have to do now is to look forward. Like what my daddy said, if you keep looking back, you will never get to move forward. So I guess I should let it go and learn to move forward. Gotta learn from my mistakes and never repeat it again. It will be a whole new start for me. Set goals and work hard for a better future!!

Dear you, who is reading this post,
If you are still a lad/lass who has just graduated from high school and did not come from a rich family, do keep in mind not to repeat my mistakes and regret for life. WORK HARD FOR YOUR DREAMS! If you had only one chance, put all your effort and hard work on it. :)

Sometimes I really wish there will be someone telling me that it is okay to give up on my dreams...


Audrey said...

You can do this bimb! Never give up on your dreams cus you and I both know that you have EVERYTHING it takes to become a very successful doctor and lemme just slap some sense into you saying that YOU HAVE NOT FAILED ANYONE IN YOUR LIFE! Sure there are some ups and downs but hey, you made it! I'm sure mamatan and papatan are so very proud to have such an amazing daughter like you. Keep striving bimb! GO FIGHT WIN! <3

Zhi Ying said...

omg cant believe you will read this <3 <3 I LOVE YOU!! You really think i should still go for it? but my financial probs :(